Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First Day of the Year

How does one start the year 'right?' Do I need to do good things or be productive so that my whole year will be perfect? This day I spent most of my time sleeping, eating and watching DVDs, does that follow that I'll be sleeping, eating and watching DVDs for the whole year? Well that would be good in a way but so unproductive.

Tomorrow I'll be back in LB. Still don't know what to do with my career. I just finished doing my resume, but I don't know if I will use it. MAYBE I'll get the offer in LB... My eldest brother advised me to go find a job in a private company for better oppurtunities. But I'm not prepared. Sigh... I really hope that there is something good waiting for me this year. I really hope.

I didn't have any new year's resolution this year. Experience told me that they are not resolved anyway (at least for me and all the people that I know) I will just try my very best in everything that I will do (I hope). And of course, put God on top of all. Even if I'm always uncertain and undecided, least by that, I'm certain that everything will be fine.

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