So, this is Bahrain.
I welcomed the warm breeze on my skin as I rode the shuttle that would take us to the airport. The air smelled like that of a summer breeze with the hint of spices. No, I think it smelled of the sea breeze...or maybe it was the smell of the dessert. But I was too excited to think. I was about to see my love. I missed him so much.
That's when I realized that almost everyone in the shuttle were Filipinos. I smiled to myself and felt glad. Somehow, I felt that I was not afterall away from home.
When I saw the long line of people in the immigration lane, I almost wanted to cry. I couldn't wait to see him. That's when an arabic guy wearing an American suit gestured for me to go in the front line. At first I was confused because as much as I wanted to be served the first, it would be unfair for the rest of the people who came earlier than I am. But a Filipina working in the airport said, "Dito ka na sa una." Feeling embarrassed, I just looked down and did what she told me. Later on, I found out that here in Bahrain, women should always be the first in line.
It took me several minutes to get my 37 kilo-luggage. I had a really hard time getting off my luggage in the luggage carousel, but thanks to Kuya who helped me. Filipinos are genuinely helpful, I thought to myself. I walked as fast as I could to be in the waiting area. Walking in the narrow pathway, with glasses on sides, my eyes roamed around the whole place scanning every faces inside the small airport. A rush of fear creeped in me without seeing his face in the crowd. But when I looked in the doorway in front, my heart leaped with joy. There he was, standing, and wearing his familiar joyous smile.
I would never forget that very moment when we embraced. Every fear, every hesitations of being in a foreign land somehow eased away.
I know I am home.