Friday, October 10, 2008

To DIEt For

This entry is for those who are fat and those who think they're fat; for those who are skinny and those who think they're skinny; for those who are sexy and those who believe their sexy; for those who are starving themselves; for those who are gorging themselves; for those alternating between starving and gorging, purging, obsessing, and all the while hating their bodies and wanting to have a 'perfect' one (whew!).

I am certainly in no position to discuss anything about 'diet'. In fact, I haven't experienced dieting because I don't easily gain weight. I don't know but I guess my metabolism works pretty fast or rather my mother passed me her genes that is responsible for me having a small body built. This entry will just state my observations of how body image dissactisfaction is so epidemic that it's almost considered normal. It's me trying to understand the reason why despite the risks of crash diets, many still choose it just to have that great body of the models we see in tvs and in magazines.

I am talking here of crash diets and not healthy diets. At first, I don't really understand why some people are starving themselves to death. But if you're one of those who are humiliated, being lauged at, being left out or being dumped just because you are fat, then maybe you'll do the same. It must be very depressing and I can't imagine what damage it may cause to one's self-esteem.

I know some people who are starving themselves just to loose wait. I don't know if when was the last time they ate a meal. I mean a real meal. Indeed they lost lots of weight after; and having a 'great body' boosted their confidence. Some even gained suitors and some gained friends. But I also know one who is hospitalized due to a crash diet. In tv, we see news of some who died while undergoing surgical operations just to be slimmer. Slimming pills and teas are also popular now in the market. There are even soaps and lotions that claim to have an instant slimming effect right after use. Sigh...Isn't it frustrating that our generation is enslaved to a beauty myth, chained to the false belief that our value is based on our appearance alone? That's why most are trying hard to fit in. Literally!

But come to think of it. Is it really worth it? I say, if you want to look good, then do it RIGHT. Do it for yourself and not because you want to be admired by others...To be loved by others. People who look at your physical appearance more important than your personality and attitude are not worth your time.

We must love and accept ourselves whether we are skinny, chubby, fat, extra large, obese or whatever others tagged us to be. When we grow old we'll all look the same anyway. There will come a time for sure when having a great body is not import anymore. Live healthy. Love more. Laugh often...and stay cool...There's more to life than being really, really, really good looking. -Zoolander

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