Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sooooooooo Phony!

I can't stand this. Listening to someone whom you know is lying about him/herself just to be 'cute' or just to impress people. Gosh, what a fake! I shouldn't be acting this way because I'm not the one that s/he's lying at. Besides, this is not the first time (only today's the worst). What's awlful is the thought of the person lying in my presence, even if s/he knows that I know very well that s/he's not telling the truth (or does s/he?). S/He acts so genuine, s/he must have a short term memory (lol). Much worst, that person is a real actor/actress. Today, s/he almost cried. That kills me! In times like this, I wish I'm deaf...and blind.

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